Friday, November 15, 2013

So Sorry, My Bad . . .

Yes, that is what President Obama said about the Obamacare unveiling.  Now he is finally scrambling to do something but it appears the something is an attempt to set up the insurance industry as the scape goat.  So far the insurance industry is not buying it.  Certain state insurance commissioners are not buying it either.  He is successfully digging the hole deeper.

Now the word is he has called the insurance executives to the White House to talk to them.  I am sure they will listen and maybe a few will tell him the truth.  We shall see on the evening news.

People are not stupid especially when it comes to their money and what they get for it.  I sense they are not buying into the Obamacare scheme of things.  They may elect to (a) lie and get on Medicare or (b) pay the fine and do nothing.  Both are essentially damaging to the Obamacare Scheme of things where the more fortunate healthy people are supposed to pay for the less fortunate unhealthy people.  The healthy people feel bad about the unhealthy people but do not want to pay their bills for them, just not in human nature. They are seeing first hand this sharing of wealth and they are not happy about it.

So what is to be done.  Why more taxes to pay for the insurance of course.  But fate has intervened, the House of Representatives is controlled by the opposing party and they, the Republicans, are not gonna raise any taxes for anything much less the hated Obamacare.  They, the House may take snips and pieces of the Obamacare off the table by refusing to tax.  Obama can do a lot of things by fiat but he can not enforce new taxes by fiat, he would get laughed out of office.  They are his bills to pay and he has to figure out a way to do that.  It ain't gonna be easy.

I hope the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is in a snit.  He could have stopped this nonsense years ago but did not.  Now he will along with Obama be pointed out as a loser and be blamed for the damage being done to our nation.  Of course, he does not care as he is above it all.  But he has got to see what has transpired and what he failed to do.  He can not stand by being self righteous for he is part of the problem now. 

We are being laughed at by the entire world.  Such incompetence in the White House.

I think it is going to be a very cold winter.  Even if the ill fated Government web page gets to working people are still going to shun the program.  There will be no easy solution, it is a colossal mess.  Even the Democratic rank and file now see the folly and some may lose their positions of power in the Government, like getting kicked out of office.

What a waste . . .

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