Saturday, March 8, 2014

Got The Message . . .

I got the  message from nephew Johnny on the Log House, it is the missing piece of data I needed to close out last year's taxes.  Sometimes, well at least once, we skipped a year, not much to report and file, that translates to no tenant in the house.  This was a good year, apparently had a tenant all year long.

Sometimes it is a tie between the Plantation and the Log House on which piece of information I get.  But it does not matter when it matters what the data is.

It is always a family affair of sorts.  The Log House is a John Morrison family thing and the plantation is the entire Walter Morrison family thing.  Of course, the Plantation is always a more complex issue as there are a myriad of family members that now have ownership.  And for the most part they, the attendees, all participate in some kind of way.

That's family for you, nobody always agrees and but yet we find a good consensus and the majority rules.  There is a big enough plurality to make things interesting.  The meetings sometimes get raucous but that is the fun of it all.  It happens but once a year and there is always good food at the end of all.

The best part is seeing the family.  Not all get to attend, some miss it but not me, it is one of the highlights of the year for me especially to see the family members that attend.

Until next year, well maybe next week . . .

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