Thursday, March 27, 2014

Turkey Trot . . .

Of course, a Turkey Trot is an old time dance.  But it makes for an appropriate opening or title for this bit.

Yesterday about 4:30 PM we look up and out our front window from the den where we spend most of our time now days, and there goes a single turkey hen walking across our front yard.  She was not trotting, she was just strolling across seemingly on her way somewhere.  She was not driven in her pace so I am sure she was just poking along free as lark.

It fits in with our typical urbanization.  We have lots of deer, and occasional skunk, possum and raccoon.  We also see the fox every now and then. We have even spied an occasional wild cat properly known as a lynx or bob cat. Adjacent to our subdivision is an undeveloped tract of wild land.  The owner eschews gas well drilling, hunting, or clearing of land.  It is said that she wants it wild and harbors the deer herd seemingly her pets.

I had seen a turkey along Mikus Road, the main drag into our subdivision some years back.  I figured it was lost.  Turkeys are not to bright when it comes to birds and wild animals.  We have what is known as the "turkey herd" out at our flying field in Springtown, TX.  We see them quite often in bunches as large as forty or more birds.  They are totally oblivious to us and of course not to be found during hunting season at all.

Any way, we know that we are on the edge of wild life around here.  There are still some areas devoid of houses where the owners encourage the fauna to coexist with us.  And once in awhile one or two of the rare ones pays us an unexpected visit.

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