Tuesday, August 12, 2014

More on the President. . .

Read today in one newspaper article that one of President Obama's problem is that he does not make decisions.  That he stands aside and lets things slide rather than make a decision.  And that is why his popularity is down.  Well it certainly is one cause, but there are many causes.  The real one is incompetence.

The US position in the world is declining because the President has let it decline not because we, as a nation, are declining.  It is his choice.  And now we learn that he summoned members of both parties to the White House to discuss foreign policy and got slammed by both parties.  Yes, the Democrats have opined that he does not have a grasp of the problems and further does not act either.  The result are things like IS or Islamic State, a ruthless barbaric group that is running around and chopping peoples heads off when he, the President, is espousing that one should set down and talk it all out.

What have we become?  We have to tolerate this incompetence another two years.  Already many are calling for impeachment.  What makes anyone thing that will be successful?  And it successful, do we want Joe Biden to be President?  I think not.  Many say the Republican House's law suit against the President to make him comply with the enacted legislation will not work either.  The remedy, they say, is in the Constitution - impeachment!

I am all for a Republican majority.  Get rid of some of those Democratic Senators like Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.  Put some sane people in place.  Put a kibosh to this out of control administrative law generation by entities like EPA.  Secure our borders again.  Do a little "shoot to kill" along the border and the rabid inflow of illegals will stop.  Ship out the illegals to their home countries and make for more jobs for our people.  Harry Truman did it, Franklin Roosevelt did it and Ike did it.  Kick the buns out.

In the cases of IS, kill them.  They want to kill us.  Just kill them.  The British learned that in Malaya and on the East Coast of Persian Gulf,  They did not tolerate any of that kind of crap.  Liberalism does not work in those case, first you must be civilized then you can apply liberalism.

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