Saturday, January 10, 2015

France . . .

France, the most liberal European country in applying its criminal laws.  Yet when it comes to terror they respond appropriately, the kill the person or persons responsible for the terrorist acts.  Bang, bang, you are dead.

I like that, no court case, just kill them.  That should convey a message to those who are considering that they should follow on with similar acts in France.  Don't do it.  It is a death certificate all ready for your name.  Fill in the blanks and shoot.  Identify and shoot.  Locate and shoot.

None of that USA Mirandarizing of them, of trying them and of incarcerating them. Just take care of them with a FMJ (in case you did not know what that is, it is a Full Metal Jacket [ergo FMJ] bullet).  No wasting of time in courts, in preparation and throwing copious amounts of government money to defense lawyers, none of that waste is involved.  Spend a few dollars on good ammo, quicker and a lot cheaper and a final answer.

The attorneys may not like that but that is the way it is in France.  Screw the legal system, just hand out quick and final justice.

Works for me!

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