Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Good Day . . .

Yesterday was a great Radio Control flying day.  The winds were mild, out of the West to Southwest.  Not the best direction but since the winds were moderate, it made little difference to us experienced flyers.

And the airplane cooperated, not a first, the trim was way off.  But now it is trimmed up correctly and fling great.  It is still squirrely on take off and I have concluded it is something not just right with the rudder servo.  In this plane the rudder servo also drives the tail wheel.  I am close to getting it right now and will look at it in detail later today.  If necessary, I will swap out the servo.

You never can tell, the first thing I found on the tail wheel was the mounting assembly was loose.  I was able to tighten that up and things moderated quite a bit.  But I noted the servo just did not seem to be perfect.  I checked in flight, two mistakes high, and it was doing just fine as rudder control.  I had gone to a dual rod push pull set up because the control rods were very limber.  So instead on one rod doubled up with another soldered to it, I went with the push pull dual rod set up.  Maybe there is not enough slop in the set up, that is it is to tight.  The other control rods to the elevator and both aileron servos have doubled solder rods to eliminate the excessive bending.

Today looks good for flying too but I shall pass.  Three days in a row in January is PDG.  We had to shed our sweaters, hoodies, etc., it got so warm.  And we stayed longer too.  Thanks to MLK, the working stiffs could stay with us retired (or as we say retarded) flyers.

Yes, it was great day.  Thank you Martin.

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