Thursday, January 8, 2015

Now I Know . . .

Now I know my smart phone works.  I was warned about this but that's the new way, I guess.

I just got my daily out of the blue call from some one I do not know.  I am sure it is some deal cold calling to separate me from my money.  I get them from Washington, Vermont, etc. locations of which I have no know friends (or enemies for that matter).

Sets off my LSU ring tone.  Nice to hear rev up but with a sense of disappointment, a quick check leads me to the turn off the call button.  At least I am learning how to make that small little effort to turn off the caller.  I am not going to waste my valuable personal and telephone time to listen to some hair brained sales pitch of a walk in bathtub, hearing aids (I already have those gratis of the VA), and elderly alert systems.  I get those on the land line daily anyway.

Makes me question this step into the new world of communications.  Perhaps it is a mistake.  I am not in business, I am retired.  So my communications need is limited.  Mostly family, no, all family.  I look at a email or two sometimes but usually delay that to when I have a full sized screen to see and full sized key board to respond.

The beat goes on!

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