Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Beat Goes On . . .

In the presidential race things are settling down a bit.  Trump is losing ground, real  candidates like Marco Rubio are moving up and Hillary Clinton is feeling the pressure of her past and the competition in her party.

There is much ado about nothing at the moment.  Trump has released his proposed tax plan with some good and some bad in it.  I really don't think it does much and may not be sustainable.  The idea that everybody should pay some tax is a good one.  But he seems to load up on the rich.  And since he does not personally depend on anyone to contribute to his campaign that is okay.

Hillary is against everything.  Against the pipeline, against Obama's trade agreement (in fact most Democrats seem to be against it and most Republicans for it) and still can not get by Benghazi and her personal computer issues.  As an old military type she clearly violated the law and subjugate the State Department to potential leaks to the outside world.  But then, maybe the outside world was as ignorant as we, the people, were.  There is hope in that regard but since she did little but travel in her tenure as Secretary of State, well ho home about it all.  At least she wants us to think that way.  Her technical expert will not testify unless given immunity, well that makes you wonder what was really in those allegedly personal eMails.

I read since she will not have to debate her Democratic opponents she has slipped more in the polls.  I am sure she has sufficient strength in the polls to outlast her Democratic opposition but the general public is well on record of not trusting her.  She has been caught to many times in to may lies.

And the biggest brouhaha is gun control again.  Control how?  Well President Obama fails to say that.  He is up against the US Constitution and already well decided case law by the Supreme Court regarding gun ownership.  He can control ammo and seems to have put a real constraint on the availability of the ammunition supplies.  But all of that is by fiat and thus the next president will or can wipe it out with the stroke of pin.

EPA took it in the shorts again over the Clean Water Act.  EPA has tried to link all water sources together and the courts have summarily rejected that.  So far the states have won in court.  It will probably go like the Presidents Immigration actions, stopped dead in their tracks.  The appeal cours have up held the lower courts and that bodes ill for him in that regard.

His deal with Iran has stunk up the place.  Playing tricks to avoid treaty status.  And using the United Nations to try to control guns blew up in his face too.

With Boehner bailing out, he is losing his grip on Republican Congress.  The Republicans are moving toward more conservative position.  Government close down now rest with him not Congress.  His opposition will be paramount and it will be used against all Democrats shortly.  I predict a big backfire for them.

And yes, the beat goes on.

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