Friday, June 5, 2009

A Little Lawn Mower Work

Every once in a while, the lawn mower proves it is a machine after all. A couple of weeks ago, it was bearings, I had to replace two deck drive bearings. Not hard, in fact, quite easy. Good that I could find and identify the bearings and they were easily acquired at a bearing house in Kennedale. It was about a 20 mile drive but that was no big deal.

Today, a belt decided to jump off the pulleys. It did that once before about two years ago. I think it is sort of a kick back of some sort, pedal bounce maybe. The belt is in the rear under the battery. There is a drive pulley - about 4 inches in diameter, a tension pulley about the same size (spring loaded to keep a constant preload on the belt) and one large pulley, perhaps 10 inches in diameter. The big pulley feeds power into the transmission ergo large to provide the power needed for the back wheels. Damn hard to get the belt back on the loop, not much space so I end up removing the drive pulley bolt. It works for me.

Not hard to fix, I've done it before, but it is hot and I got sweaty. Dirty hands and we lost a nut (but I found one in my junk box - always keep old nuts and bolts - never know when you need them). My assistant kept wandering off but she was close by, always responded when called. So we got it all back together and she's cutting grass again as I write.

What a team!

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