Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Blue Dogs Caved In

Sounds like the Blue Dog Democrats are a myth, they caved into the Democratic Hierarchy. Now it is up to the Senate.

That sounds a bit better. It was said today that the negotiations are going nowhere, that if anything it will be late fall before something can be finalized. Of course, Washington is all talk. Who knows what will happen.

I heard today that Obama's personal physician came out against the bill. He maintains nobody knows what's going on. That sounds bad, means to many hidden issues that are being railroaded through. The visiting thing every five years smacks. Others have said, it is just a rationing program, that means it will be worse than Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, yada yada yada.

Things do not look good. I hope Kennedy stays alive until this thing comes to ahead. He has not been in the Senate for months - one more vote not in place. Of course, the Dems can count on Al Franken - a comedian for Christ's sake - a blithering idiot.

Oh well, time goes on.

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