Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yea Blue Dog Democrats

There seems to be some back bone in places in the Democratic Party after all. The Blue Dogs have essentially shut down the Obama Medical Reform Bill. No one is against reform except maybe the trial lawyers.

But the reform is more than reform, it is creation of socialized medicine, that's bad. There is a modicum of reform and ton of change to mandated medical programs. Canada, Great Britain and Germany are classic cases of government mandated medical programs. And now medical coverage is rationed in those countries. Documented long waits for appointments and even longer for treatment. How is it up to a government to determine what and where you get treatment? Did you know on average a cancer patient lives 5 or more years longer in the US than Canada. This is folly.

And those people who most need medical care are those like me already under a government mandated system call Medicare. The premium is deducted from our Social Security pensions and given to the government. In my case, our secondary insurance that pays the 20% deductible is military TRICARE programs. The military retiree and his immediate family, in this case my wife, are granted medical care for life. So when we get a medicare bill, it is automatically forwarded to the military provider.

So the old people are all under a universal system already. The only thing that makes it work is the fact that others are not under the program - like the people under 65 years of age. And the fact we can go off this coverage for individual coverage if we want to. This competitive action keeps medicare honest. Remove it and the benefits of competition disappear and then we are all in the soup with limited and restricted coverage.

No, no, no. Do not support OBama on this issue. You will be screwed if you do!

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