Friday, June 4, 2010

Ah, Nature . . .

We were quite pleased to note the Blue birds have moved back into their house this spring. We learned that if you quit providing Millet seed in the bird seed mix, the Sparrows will not come to the feeder and thus leave the Blue bird house empty for the Blue birds. Well, we tried it and sure enough, no Sparrows around us anymore and the Blue birds no longer have to defend the home. We rarely see Sparrows anymore, good riddance!

We are pretty sure that the Blue birds are on their second brood. We can see them going in and out of the house providing food for the youngsters. They are very family oriented birds, the fledglings stick around and help with the new brood. They stay together as a family, often seen taking turns in the birdbath, each taking his or her own baths while others watch.

We were surprised yesterday to observe something we had not ever seen before. There was a Blue Jay on the ground, not far from the Blue bird abode. Mr. Blue bird did not like that at all. He began dive bombing the Blue Jay. Now the Jay Bird is about twice the size of a mature Blue bird, but no matter, Mr. Blue bird was on a mission. He must have made about three passes at the Blue Jay. And I must admit the Blue Jay seemed to care less, he did not even look up. I think he was fooling around with a peanut and the Blue bird thought he was hunting in his turf.

The Blue Jay flew up to the bird feeder and got another peanut and took off for parts unknown. They never stay around and can detect peanuts in the feeder within 10minutes of their installation. Don't fathom how they know this but they do. And it does not matter what time of day, the Blue Jays are on those peanuts.

The Blue birds are secure, the Blue Jays are no threat to them. And they seem fully capable of defending their abode if they want to or have to.

Nature at its best!

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