Thursday, June 24, 2010

General McChrystal . . .

Did he step over the line? Take it from an old warrior, yes General McChrystal did so indeed. But was he right, I think so. It cost him dearly to point out that Barry does not give a damn about the military in general (no pun intended) or any foreign involvement at all. He does not really have a foreign policy except to bash the Israeli's. To Barry, the military is just a nuisance and a toy. He is too regal to admit his limitations. That all begs the responses and side comments in staff meetings. Believe me, I have seen some lulus in my time, but then the boss said, enough, let us get on with what we are about. Criticism does not go out of the room!

Barry's gonna talk some sense into the Iranian's, yeah, right? He has made no such progress and probably never will. Even the Saudi Arabians, who have no love lost on the Iranians, fellow Muslims, are not opposed to the Israelis from flying over them to get at the Iranians. The reason we sold the most modern F-16s ever made to the United Arab Emirants was because they wanted a capability to strike at the heart of the Iranian Empire. Remember, Saudis, UAE, Bahran, Qatar are all Arabs as are Jordanians and Iraqis, but Iranians are not Arabs. They share a common belief in Allah but even there have severe disagreements within their common religion.

We are sitting back and letting Iran develop nuclear weapons. We are luke warm on taking care of business in Afghanistan. Pakistan is about to blow up. And we really do need India on our side; a great market that China will take if we do not do something about it.

Yes, under Barry we have become a paper tiger (note lower case), and have little respect around the world today. Couple that with his socialist agenda, and we have a colossal loser in the White House. He meant well, he thought his was the righteous path. He has turned into a wastrel squandering our wealth on suspect schemes. And he is going to raise our taxes, he promised he wouldn't. But his Democratic Congress said they don't care what he said and are going to raise them anyway.

Hold on to your pocket book. The tax man cometh . . . And his name is Barry.

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