Monday, June 14, 2010

Fritzinna . . .

Fritzinna is back. She showed up on the patio a couple of days ago. Probably ensconced in her wood pile. Judie saw her under the chaise lounge by the wood pile.

I guess this is her home. She just roams around getting enough to eat. Lot of competition out there. The Blue Birds and Mocking Birds are scarfing up all the insects in the yard to feed their youngsters. And dear old Fritz is still out back by the hill also eating his share of the insects.

Since Amy has not been to swift cutting her lot, I am sure Fritzinna and Fritz for that matter, make sojourns over to her lot. Tall grass provides a haven for insects.

Jude saw the deer late yesterday night. They just come in an lay down on the lawn. Nice comfortable grass, green too which makes it edible, and seed from the bird feeders attract them. The compost pile seems to attract the deer, especially the goat and the foxes. We know the foxes also eat the peaches. They work hard for their food. We know some animal is eating up all the old watermelon rinds tossed out to compost.

The foxes are very non-chalant. Any small noise seems to send the deer away, but the foxes simply look back at you and go about their business. Judie thinks the foxes rather like the deer being scared away. Lets them forage like the want we no interference from larger animals.

At any rate animal life goes on.

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