Friday, November 27, 2015

Outdoor Light Fixtures . . .

The front of our house has a series of lights that point/face upward, so called accent lights.  They were nice fixtures but not designed to be used as they are.  They are all point upward and they capture water from rains and sprinklers.  They have corroded, paint peeled off and for the most part are located behind foliage.

Our neighbors have simple ones that the flood light screws into, the bulb is exposed so it does not have lens, covers, etc.  They are just basic and work quite well.  They are not finished in bronze, black or silver, they are what they were when they were made, metallic in color, could be painted if one wished to do that.

I thought I could get some on line.  I found literally hundreds of so called accent fixtures and basically all have the same faults as the present ones.  And they all cost about $70 each.  I am looking for the basic $10 special.  I do not care what color they come in.  I can get a $3 can of spray paint and paint them myself.  I see these things all over the place.  But I can not find one in Home Depot or Lowes, they all have the super duper $70 specials.  I do not need the elaborate fixture, just a basic one.

There is a light fixture place around the corner from us and I will pay them a visit.  I am sure the kind of fixture I am looking for is readily available but not pushed as it is basic in color and price.

I find them, just got to keep looking.  I know there are at least five or six supply houses in Fort Worth that supply that kind of stuff.  I will just have to keep looking for it.

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