Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving . . .

What do we have to be thankful for, much.  A bride and her husband (Amanda Louise and Mike), healthy grandchildren and great grandchildren, three sons alive and well.   So far it has been a good year, Judie has survived a heart attack, seems like ages ago but not really that long back in time.  So we have much to be thankful about.  Yes, we have had little set backs, material things, some health issues but nothing compared to what others are suffering.

I just learned our former neighbor, Carl, who has been suffering from Alzheimer's is now in hospice care and is not expected to live more than a week.  His Kidneys are shutting down, his brain is turning off his body.  Perhaps that is a blessing in disguise but not to his family, his children and perhaps his yet unborn grand children.  A real tragedy.  We shall miss him.

We have seen some massive hate filled crimes in the world (Paris, Syria and Iraq) and our President in his misguided beliefs wants to unabashedly release the same on our citizens.  He apparently personally accepts the risk as being overly stated, and he presses madly on into his arrogant way.  Even those of his own party counsel a slow down and he ignores them.  He is not a President of the people, he is not a visionary, he is too short sighted.  We have an expression from the USAF days, "Heads up and locked."  It means literally damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.  It means we are ignoring the risk in making  our judgements, we are not looking, checking, or assessing the danger.  I pray we shall not suffer some great miscarriage of justice due to his ego.

Yet Thanksgiving is upon us and we should thank the Good Lord for our gifts, our beneficiaries, our good luck for our Nation as well as our family.  Maybe it is just good Karma, or maybe disaster is just around the corner.  We must be positive and look ahead, and hope and pray for the best yet to come.


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