Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tachycardia . .

Judie got this day with a case of Tachycardia.  Tachycardia is said to happen when your pulse rate is over a 100 beats per minute.  Hers was 160 with low blood pressure.  About 10 minutes later it was 150 with low blood pressure.

After about a half hour her heart rate returned to 85 beats per minute and her blood pressure increased.  The attack so to speak has pasted.  She is up and around but I am watching closely.

My reading of Tachycardia on the Internet is that the heart beats so fast, that the chambers do not have time to fill up with blood.  That results in a lower blood pressure.  It can said to be in mechanical terms to be cavitation as what a propeller in water does when it spins to fast initially,

A prolonged period of Tachycardia can result in heart damage.  This short spurt probably does no damage but it is an indicator of problems.  There is a drug for it called Pradaxa. 

She will get an appointment with her Cardiologist Monday.  I am not sure when she will get an actual visit with the doctor but I am sure it will be pretty quick.  He will be the final arbiter as there are several kinds of Tachycardia to deal with.

It is a very scary thing.  I guess I will just have to watch her more closely to make sure things do not get out of hand. 

Good thing I have be reading up on my heart problems.  I know now where to go look for symptoms and what they may mean.  At least I can articulate them and get a answer.  That answer may be scary and out of proportion, thus the need for a doctor's opinion.

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