Friday, July 8, 2016

Disgusted . . .

I am disgusted about Ferguson, MO, about Baltimore, MD, about Baton Rouge, and about Minnesota.  The disgust is that the black community is up in arms, really arms, shooting people.  White police officers under fire.  They are under attack by black males, but black politicians, by black rabble rousers on all sides.

Are some while officers wrong, biased, you bet they are.  But that is the normal distribution of people in society.  Yet it seems that a great deal of the young black community, especially males, blame all policemen but especially white ones.  It is irrational.  It is non thinking.  It is emotional.  It is sad.  It is a break down of our mores, of our trust of the police, of anti authority aspects in all areas.  We are now polarized by this kind of thinking.

I think it is liberalism come home to roost.  Yes, there are victims but that does not mean the police as a group have caused such anguish, something else is underlying it.  Something that has been festering for a long time. 

And it what ever it is, has erupted in Dallas.  Sad for the police and equally sad for the black community.  Killing randomly is not the answer,  I am not sure what the answer is but I know death and destruction of families and friends is not that answer.  It is totally unthinking.

I hope it can be blamed on mental illness.  I hope it can be blamed on something we as a people can treat with.  If not, then we are entering an era of violence.  The Latino community does not react that way.  The Asian community does not react that way.  Only the black community seems to be reacting.  Why?

I do not believe it is drugs.  I believe it is misguided self education.  It is becoming ingrained.  We see it in rap music, now we see it on the streets.   It used to be random gang shootings.  Now it is directed at the police.  Why?

Dallas was having a peaceful but meaningful demonstration against violence.  And now five policemen are dead and another seven are wounded.  And one of the perpetrators is deceased and one is in custody.  Still another is on the run.  I am sure the black community is going to find that person and turn him in to the authorities.

This is not ISIS.  This is within our own communities.  This is in our society.  Why?  What has driven this kind of thinking and action?

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