Thursday, July 21, 2016

Unbeleiveable . . .

I think it is unbelievable that Ted Cruz dug his on political grave before the nation.  Did he not sign the agreement with NRC to support the candidate that got nomination?  He did and yet he stands up before nation and will not endorse Donald Trump. 

He is toast.  I am a Texan, I admit I did not vote for him for the US Senate but he got elected.  So he is our junior Senator.  I voted for him in the Texas primary over the former Governor.  Now he pulls off a stunt that is absolutely stupid.  What power had is now gone.  Oh yeah, he will have strong positions regarding the constitution but now will lack the pull to get anything done.  He is now a pariah.  He has proven he is an unrelenting self righteous fool.

Is he morally correct, perhaps.  Is he politically correct, absolutely not since he signed a pledge and does not honor his public pledge.  Personally, I would drum him out of the party but that is not within my power.  But I will not support him, he is worse than Senators John Cornyn, Barbara Boxer, and so on. 

Will I communicate with him?  Yes, here and there, he does have one vote in the senate, and sometimes it can be exercised in the right manner.  But come time for his re-election I will not vote for him.  There has to be a better candidate here in Texas.

He has become in my vocabulary a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  There are a lot of them around, plenty of them in the Senate but up to now he was a sort of a lone wolf.  Now he is just a vote, nothing more.  He will be literally powerless.  He is now the laughing stock of the party.  He is unprofessional.  He is whiner.  He is a loser!

I think Trump was right, he hit Cruz's sore spot and now Cruz wears it like a red badge of courage.

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