Monday, July 18, 2016

It has Gotten Worse . . .

We can not as a nation tolerate continuous attacks on our police force.  They are there to protect and serve not be targets.  When we peel back the onion on all the cases since Ferguson, MO it turns out the cops were right.  The cops are very disciplined, have standards and are charged with enforcing the law.

Now we have random shooting of police.  That is not acceptable.  And we investigate the shooters we tend to find a somewhat warped personality.  Being a little off is one thing, taking matters into ones hands to kill is another.  We have the right to protest, it is now somewhat part of our society and political make up.  But we do not have the right kill or target our police.

We as a nation we must get beyond this.  We do not have to love each other but we do have to respect each other.  I think the black community is in crisis.  We have to reach out to them in what ever way we can.  They are not bad people.  But the education system and economy have done them no favors.  Yet I look about me and see very much that the black community is part and parcel of us all.

It is not a time for isolation.  It is a time for coalition.  We must come together as a nation and stop this madness.


Atlanta Tiger said...

How has the educational system let them down?

False-River said...

I believe liberalism as found in the lower education system of the US spawns in the minds of children that they are all deserving of equal success. Such is not the case and never will be the case. They need to learn that there is failure, that there is poverty, that there inequality all around us at all times. It is not a holier than thou society that they are growing up in. They must learn at the end of the game there is a winner and a loser. And that losing is not shameful. We can not all be winners. As Jesus Christ said, "The poor will always be with us." The poor may lack opportunity, wealth, education and all sorts of depravity. We are not born equal, we are born with equal opportunity to succeed. There is a vast difference yet liberals want us all to believe it is unfair. It is not a matter of fairness, it is a matter of work to climb the ladder of success. There is no free lunch!