Friday, April 19, 2013

Why . . .

Why do two young men build bombs and attack the Boston Marathon?  Why this evil, this hate.  Why?

We are not Russia.  We do not have a repressive regime, at least not yet, not in my life time. So why us?  Why the evil, the hate.  Why?

It seems like over night these two men became disillusioned and adopted a radical nature.   Why?

They have become successful in generating genuine distrust of Chechnya and Checkens in general while none had existed before.  Why did they do this dastardly act?  Why?

Their father furthers threats if his younger son is killed.  Their uncle called them losers and that he should turn themselves in.  Of course, the older brother is now dead.  Why?

Police and slow and methodical.  They are closing on the remaining young man.  His freedom has already been compromised and he is on the run.  He has catapulted to being the number criminal in the United States.  Why?

We must begin to close our borders.  To many miscreants are getting into the United States.  The liberal drive to grant amnesty, easy citizenship, access to our markets, our schools, our freedoms, has led to this kind of event.

I say close the borders.  Toss out all persons without visas or valid work permits.  Get them out, not just Mexicans or Central Americans or South Americans.  I mean illegal British, yes we have them, illegal Europeans in general and illegal middle eastern people.   All of them, toss them out and let them apply to return.  Clean out the Universities, the ghettos, anywhere they exist.

It is time to act!

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