Thursday, May 29, 2014

Is He Still There ?????

Curtis Lemay, the crusty four star general that commanded the Strategic Air Command, now both deceased, was a tough leader.  He would often arrive at one of the SAC Air Force Bases to fire the wing commander on the spot.

He used to say, "He could not tell the difference between bad luck and bad management or leadership, the results were the same, unacceptable."  So if the results show poor performance the wing commander, the leader what's in charge, got the ax.  No if, ands or buts.  All the wing commanders knew what the standards were and understood the ground rules.

We had a basic rule, no surprises.  That mean no suppression of bad news.  We told all in our staff meetings daily.  That way the boss, the wing commander, could take action to prevent being blindsided by a Curtis Lemay type leader.   He would be armed and ready to defend his leadership and management skills.  Thus we too could expect to get the ax for poor performance or bad luck, which ever occurred.

The Veterans Administration (VA)Secretary, a retired four star g\General Eric Shinseki needs to go.  More and more crap is uncovered every day about the VA health system, region by region, state by state.  It is nothing more than a fore look at the coming Obamacare and what is going to happen to us as a nation.  What fools we are to let this charlatan lead us into this dismal situation.  It is much worse than Volstead Act (prohibition) and is a law, not a change to the Constitution like Prohibition was, so it is much easier to get rid of.  All the bad news falls into the no surprises category.  If the General he did not know about it before hand, then he is truly incompetent and needs to go.

What is even worse, is the use of regulatory law on the fly to change at a whim the meaning and words of the actual 2000 plus pages of the Affordable Care Act by the present administration.  That is unconscionable abuse of Presidential power.  Does he not know that the next Republican will do the same as he has?   And now we are off on a slippery slope of destruction of our Constitution.

Apparently in the Obama Administration there are no ground rules.  President Obama is no Curtis Lemay and is loath to fire anyone for any reason.  Lord knows he has had enough disasters that he should have taken action but rather he went golfing or campaigning, his forte.  The smart ones have already bailed out of the administration long ago.  The remaining team seems like they have tenure and can not be fired.  What a wimp the President turns out to be! No guts.  No vision.  No leadership.

No wonder the world thinks we are no longer a super power and are just wimps.

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