Friday, May 30, 2014

VA now, Obamacare Next . . .

We have now seen what the bureaucrats have done to the Veterans Administration (VA).  Perhaps we can fix it, maybe not.  It simply reflects government run health care, and the limited resources allocated to that system.  It is reasonable to expect not all the money the VA wants it does it get.  That means things have to be managed.

But the model for management is run not by doctors for the most part but professional bureaucrats, civil servants.  And those managers have learned from Washington D.C. how to game the system.  Manipulation of numbers to make themselves look good and justify bonuses for themselves.

That needs to go.  We need personnel outside the VA to determine bonuses.  We need over site.  I can recall in the military we had wholesale overhauls of the evaluation system because of the abuse of the system.  The USAF maintained all the officers were not superior, that there is a bell curve of personnel.  And the promotion boards were having increasing problems rank ordering personnel for promotion.  The reporting system was radically changed.  And that worked for a few years, the creep started to flow into the system and gradually it to became unmanageable again.

So something has to be done with the overall management of the VA.  I am the first to say I do not know just what has to be done but there must be changes or it will simply morf on into the same problems.

Now comes Obamacare.  What makes you think it will be different.  The VA was held up as to the way to go.  Now the VA is besmirched in scandal.  Thus Obamacare will come next.  And it is much bigger than the VA has ever been.  Much more unwieldy. 

Disaster is coming.  Standby for ram!

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