Monday, May 12, 2014

Old Fritz is Gone . . .

It is warm enough, and the lizards are out.  We have seen a couple on the front stoop, one  is large one and others are medium sized.

But in the back, on Old Fritz's turf, we have not seen any lizards.  So we must lament Old Fritz's passing.  She reigned Queen of the patio for several years.  She had her private stack of wood to look out from.  Judie's yard shoes were available as a safe place to spend the night and even stay warm.  The shoes were black shinny rubber, so they held heat a long time.  The  baker's rack was here domain, she often overnighted in the flower pots that rested there.

But no Fritz to be seen.  The other large Fritz has been seen out front and on the side yard but not on the patio.  And I must admit the patio is devoid of their favorite food, crickets.  I am guessing they have hunted the out of existence in the back.  That is not a bad thing, just means there is no attraction to return to the patio to spend the summer.

We are pretty sure those Fritzs out front are the progeny of Old Fritz.    So in a manner of speaking she lives on in her brood that wander the front flower beds looking for insect prey.

So her passing is yet another milestone in the life at 1106 Willow Wood Drive.  She provided us with a lot of entertainment over the last couple of years.

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