Saturday, June 23, 2018

Separated From Their Parents . . .

I am a loss here.  Much hoopla about separation from parents going on at the border.

Excuse me, name me one convict that is not separated from his or her family here in the US?  It is a crime to enter the United States at any point other than a "entry point."  There are entry points all over the place and they are not the common banks of the Rio Grande River.  They are bridges across the Rio Grande that all have entry points.  These immigrants do not care, they are escaping Mexico and Central America.

This is a artificial creation used by the Democratic Party as an issue.  Yet, they wont agree to a law change, they use ancient footage that occurred during the Obama administration of the border to stir up the masses.  Oh yes, Obama did the same thing.  It is the law to incarcerate illegal immigrants.  And many of those immigrants are criminals: drug dealers, smugglers of people, rapists, and murderers.  Some are using their own children to shield themselves during illegal entry.   And the Democrats are shedding tears and doing absolutely nothing to correct the problem.  They do not want to as it is their only issue in opposition to President Trump.  Such hate is hard to understand.

Wake up people, we, the United States of America, have a problem.  Please solve it.  It is not hard to do, all of Europe, China, Indian, Africa and South and Central America have tough entry laws.  Mexico is using the US as a dumping zone.  Try going beyond the border of Mexico without paying their entry fee and you will be incarcerated in an filthy prison.

It is time to stop this foolishness from happening.  And it is up to Congress to do so.

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